Launch FREE monthly Dossiers
A free email publication, in English, looking at current events through the prism of francophone scholarly publishing.
The ambition of Cairn’s Monthly Dossiers is to draw your attention to what’s being published in the francophone world in the fields of social sciences and humanities by providing a practical and global context to the work of selected scholars.
Drawing from Cairn’s extensive journal collection, each dossier features:
- An editorial by author and journalist Olivier Postel-Vinay
- A selection of 3 journal articles, translated into English from the original French and made available on Cairn International Edition for free
- An interview with a scholar whose perspective on the topic transcends national frontiers
- Suggestions for further reading on the topic, on Cairn and elsewhere
About the author, Olivier Postel-Vinay
Author and journalist, former reporter for Le Monde, former editor in chief of well-known French publications like La Recheche, Science & Vie and Courrier international, founder and current publishing director of the magazine Books.
Cairn’s Monthly Dossiers are an opt-in only newsletter. Sign up to receive the next issues at
Founded in 2005 by four Belgian and French academic publishers, offers the most comprehensive online collection of francophone publications in social
sciences and humanities.
In 2017, more than 450 journals and 8 000 eBooks from major French, Belgian and Swiss publishers can be accessed by students, scholars and librarians worldwide on
To make this invaluable content accessible to a non–francophone readership, launched Cairn International Edition, an English-language platform where abstracts and selected articles from key journals on are translated from French into English, enabling users to search, browse and read this content without speaking a word of French.